Best Practices for a Happy & Healthy Co-Workday

Click Members are an impressively hardworking group. We're dedicated to the work we're putting out in the world, so during our workdays we really focus and commit our time to those efforts, whether we're working remotely for an employer or pushing forward our own enterprise. And that can translate into a lot of time spent in front of the computer screen, getting lost in our work.

But desk-based work isn't all doom and gloom. Here are some things you'll see Click members doing to promote not only their productivity, but also overall health and happiness during their workdays:

Comfort: We've all done it: A few hours into our day we realize we're slumped forward in our chairs, shoulders hunched, hands crowded together on the keyboard. It's a recipe for discomfort, but it doesn't have to be. Plenty of Click members have modified their work stations to suit their individual ergonomic needs. You'll see standing desks, height-adjustable "wobbly" stools, stability balls, and even balance boards in use here. Out first-floor lounge seating also provides a mid-day change of pace from the traditional desk and chair setup. Changing position, sitting tall, stretching, and moving around whenever possible are all beneficial ways to promote physical wellbeing in the workplace.

Sustenance: How often have you looked up from your work to discover that it's 2pm and you haven't had lunch? It can be far too easy to skip meals, but our focus, efficiency, and creativity decline as our hunger increases. Here at Click we love our food, and we take full advantage of our kitchenette. We bring lunches from home, enjoy "Salad Club" member lunches (everyone brings an ingredient to contribute and builds their own salad), and munch on natural foods goodies from our Berkshire Natural snack box. There are also plenty of places to eat in the neighborhood, and sometimes a true, out-of-the-office lunch break is the best way to recharge for the rest of the afternoon. The better we keep ourselves fed, the better equipped we are to make the most of our workdays.

Music: Headphones can be a great tool to promote focus -- whether or not any sound is coming through them. Some people get distracted by music and simply like the isolation that a pair of earbuds provides, while for others putting on some tunes makes it that much more fun and energizing to punch through their to-do list. The rest of the office may be peacefully quiet, but you've got your own private concert going on.

Socializing: Many coworkers are solo entrepreneurs or individuals who are working remotely for companies. Within the context of this space, our work is our own, and it's easy to keep it to ourselves. But we're also social creatures, and face time with our fellow members is a fulfilling part of the coworking experience. That's why we make a heartfelt effort to build our sense of Click community, whether through our intraoffice Slack chats or through our members-only events, including lunchtime talks and end-of-the-month get-togethers. When we get to know each other better, we discover personal and professional connections and find valuable resources within our ranks. The faces we encounter when we arrive back at the workspace the next morning feel friendly and familiar, and the whole space is more ours.

Fresh Air: Sometimes the nature of your work takes you out of the office on a regular basis. But other times you need to structure in some time away. This goes for coworking spaces as much as traditional offices. Whether we take a walk around the block to admire the neighbors' gardens, grab a smoothie at Nourish Wellness Cafe on the corner, or jump on one of Click's share bikes to run an errand, we get an energy boost when we break up our indoor work time with a jaunt outside.